
Are human beings just machines? Do we disappear when we die?
 論人機之別: 我們死後會消失嗎?

24 April 2025 | OEM 602
英語及普通話主講| Conducted in English and Mandarin
*This activity is CCL-recognized. 活動為聯通課程(CCL)。

For more details about Katso Talk Series 2025: https://rel.hkbu.edu.hk/activities/katso-talk-series-2025
*Participants who successfully registered the event will receive a confirmation email a few days before the event.
Date日期:April 24th, 2025 (Thursday)
Venue地點:Rm 602, 6/F, Oen Hall Building (Main Building), HSH Campus, HKBU 香港浸會大學善衡校園 溫仁才大樓(主翼)6樓602室
Speaker講員:Rev. Dr. Edmond Eh, OP, Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Saint Joseph, Macau.
Abstract 摘要
It is possible to view the human simply as a superior kind of animal. Animals are creatures that are primarily driven by their biological instincts. It is also possible to see the human as a type of machine. Machines are things that are necessarily governed by the laws of physics. In this talk, I shall present some arguments to view humans as intrinsically different from the other beings in the universe since they are rational and responsible creatures. Human beings are spiritual creatures because the powers of reason and free will are immaterial in nature.
For more details about Katso Talk Series: https://rel.hkbu.edu.hk/activities/katso-talk-series-2025

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【24th April】Are human beings just machines? Do we disappear when we die? 論人機之別: 我們死後會消失嗎?
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