
Beyond Transportation: A Comparative Study of Transport Tourism in Hong Kong and Japan

Questions marked with a * are required
You are cordially invited to participate in a research study. The purpose of this study is to analyze the participation and development of transport-centered activities in Hong Kong and Japan.

You will be asked some questions concerning your travel experiences and expenses on transport-centered activities. It takes you approximately 20 minutes to answer the questionnaire. In the first section, your personal information, including age, gender, employment status, monthly income, child-rearing, usual place of residence, and self-identity, will be collected. You may choose not to indicate your gender, monthly income, and usual place of residence. As individual responses will be described, you may be identifiable in reports.

There will be no potential risks in this research.

Your valuable contribution will help reveal the economic potential of transport tourism and formulate supporting policies.

The records from this study will be kept as confidential as possible. Only with further consent individual identities will be used in reports or publications, resulting from the study. Pseudonyms will be used otherwise. Research information will be kept in locked files at all times. Only research personnel will have access to files. The data will be kept for 6 months. After the study is completed, all of the files will be destroyed by deleting from the computer of research personnel. Since our interviews will be conducted on the Internet, the researchers cannot guarantee confidentiality while collecting data on the Internet.

If you have questions at any time about the study or the procedures, you may contact the researcher, Mr. CHEUNG Yu Yan, Thomas by email at 21224439@life.hkbu.edu.hk. If you feel you have not been treated according to the descriptions in this form, or your rights as a participant in research have been violated during the course of this project, you may contact the Research Ethics Committee by email at hkbu_rec@hkbu.edu.hk or by mail to Research Office, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.

Your participation in this study is voluntary; you may decline to participate without penalty. If you decide to participate, you may withdraw from the study at any time without penalty and without loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. If you withdraw from the study before data collection is completed, your data will be returned to you or destroyed.






如果您對本研究或研究程序有任何疑問,可隨時通過 電郵:21224439@life.hkbu.edu.hk 與研究人員張瑀仁聯系。如果您認為您沒有得到本表格所描述的對待,或您作為本研究參與者的權利在本研究過程中受到侵犯,您可電郵至 hkbu_rec@hkbu.edu.hk 或郵寄至香港九龍塘香港浸會大學研究處,與研究道德委員會聯絡。


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