
Bon Vlog-yage Travel Mini-vlog Competition

Questions marked with a * are required
Submit a 1-min vlog from your travel to the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and any other places around the world to win up to $3,100. 

- Refer to LQC website for details: https://sa.hkbu.edu.hk/lqc/campus-integration/bon-vlog-yage-travel-mini-vlog-competition.
- LQC reserves the right to update the Terms and Conditions or make final decisions related to the comeptition. The information collected will be used for the planning and delivery of the activity/ programme of concern, and/ or for the improvement of LQC. You may refer to the details of the Privacy Policy Statement and Personal Information Collection Statement of the University: https://bupdpo.hkbu.edu.hk/policies-and-procedures/pps-pics/Text Here
Full Name in English
Student ID
Phone no
Home country/city
The travel destination(s) being included in the video
Any other HKBU students being filmed in the video? If yes, please provide their name and home countries. (please alert your travel buddies and seek their consent before submission)
Which theme you are enrolling into 
Provide a link to the video ( Upload to YouTube, Google Drive, or other video streaming websites. You must make sure that the submitted video can be viewed publicly throughout the Contest period) ** Selected participants will be required to provide a downloadable video for uploading to IG of LQC** 
What is the name of your Instagram account, we will tag you for drawing likes (if not available, please type NA)
Provide a caption and a short line to describe your video
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