
春夏【007】北京語言大學 - 「京彩京韻‧晉善晉美」文化研發課程

Questions marked with a * are required
1.姓名(中文)Full Name in Chinese:
2.姓名(英文)Full Name in English:
3.學生編號 Student ID:
4.聯絡號碼 Contact Tel. No.:
5.性別 Gender:
6.出生地點 Place of Birth:
7. 出生日期 Date of birth:
8. 證件類型 Identity card:
9. 證件編號 ID card No.:
10. 是否持有回鄉證?(如適用) Holder of Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents? (if applicable):
11.就讀課程 Programme :
12.就讀學科(中文)Major of study (in Chinese)
13.就讀年級 Year of Study:
14. 微訊 WeChat:
15. QQ號碼 QQ No. (optional):
16.電郵地址 Email Address:
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