Against Affect and for Emotion - Registration link
CCL-recognised Seminar
Date: Oct 6, 2023 (Fri)
Time: 14:00 p.m. - 15:30 p.m.
Venue: AAB1312
Speakers’ bios
Prof. Helena Flam gained her Fil.Kand. in Lund, Sweden in 1976, and her Ph.D. at Columbia University in NYC in 1982. As a Post-doc she was affiliated with the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in Uppsala, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne, and the University of Konstanz. As a professor of sociology, she taught at the University of Leipzig, between 1993 and 2017. As professor emeritus, she is still its affiliate. Professor Flam pioneered Continental research in the Sociology of Emotions. Recently, she called for connecting research on social movements, professions, and civil societies. Among her major texts and (co-)edited volumes are "Market Configurations" (1987), States and Anti-Nuclear Movements (1994), "The Emotional ‘Man’" (1990), Mosaic of Fear (1999), Emotions and Social Movements (2005), Migranten in Deutschland (2007), an article on the transnational movement (2013) and one on sexual abuse in the US Catholic Church (2015), "Civil Society and Professions" in Professions & Professionalism (2019) and Juristische Expertise zwischen Profession and Protest (2020). She is editing the Research Handbook on the Sociology of Emotions: (On) Institutions and Emotional Rule Regimes for Edgar Elgar.