2023/24年度 「混合式學習」教學個案比賽得奬者分享系列

Questions marked with a * are required
日期及時間:2024年10月16日(三) 下午3時15分至4時30分
舉辦方式:網上舉辦 (Zoom)
  陳嘉琪主任 (馬鞍山循道衛理小學):KS2 英文組別 冠軍得獎者
  林立堃博士:KS2 英文組別 亞軍得獎者
  劉欣婷主任 (馬鞍山循道衛理小學):KS2 英文組別 季軍得獎者
~ 本次活動是「混合式學習及創新」證書課程 第四部分 延伸學習活動之一 ~
本次工作坊將由「2023/24年度 『混合式學習』教學個案比賽」KS2 英文組別的冠、亞、季軍得奬者的教師主導。內容包括得獎個案的深入介紹,讓參加者了解成功的實踐案例。此外,得獎教師將分享他們在實踐混合式學習過程中的寶貴心得與面對的挑戰。透過這些分享,參加者將獲得實用的教學策略,並激發新的靈感,以進一步提升學生的學習體驗。  
報名者個人資料 Personal Information
姓名 (中文) Full Name in Chinese
姓名 (英文) Full Name in English
例:CHAN Tai Man, John
電郵地址 Email address
由於主辦機構會以電郵聯絡參加者,請務必填上正確的電郵地址 (For contact, please make sure the email address is correct)
聯絡電話 Tel.
您任職的學校現正/曾參與本計劃的「混合式學習及創新支援服務 (BLISS)」,並成為夥伴學校? Have your school joined the BLISS service under our project?
任教科目 Teach Subject
1. Fabulearn@schools 教師帳戶:Fabulearn@schools 是賽馬會「混合式學習」計劃(下稱為「本計劃」)為促進混合式學習而開發的教學平台,免費供教師和學生使用。平台包括大量免費的教學短片和相關資源。 本計劃將以您提供的電子郵件地址,開立一個教師帳戶供您試用。 當帳戶準備就緒時,我們將與您聯繫。 
2. 本計劃的最新活動資訊。  
 如果您想退出上述任何一項,請發送電子郵件至 info@jcblendedlearning.hk。 
此外,如 閣下欲獲得「出席證明」,請注意以下事項:
1. 請以您的英文全名登入Zoom;請勿只輸入英文名字(如:"Ann"),或只顯示學校名稱
2. 出席時間佔活動時間一半或以上
3. 活動後填寫意見問卷,揀選「需要出席證明」選項,並填寫登入Zoom時的英文全名
Additional Information:
In addition to being used to send relevant information about this workshop, your email address will also be used for the following purposes:
  1. Fabulearn@schools teacher account: Fabulearn@schools is a teaching platform developed by the Jockey Club "Blended Learning" Project (hereinafter referred to as the "Project") to promote blended learning, which is free for teachers and students to use. The platform includes a large number of free teaching videos and related resources. The Project will open a teacher account for you to try out with the email address you provide. We will contact you when the account is ready.
  2. The latest information on the Project's activities.
If you wish to opt-out of any of the above, please send an email to info@jcblendedlearning.hk.
In addition, if you want to obtain a "Certificate of Attendance," please note the following:
  1. Please log in to Zoom with your full English name; do not just enter your English first name (e.g. "Ann") or just display your school name.
  2. Attendance time should be half or more of the activity time.
  3. After the event, fill out the feedback form and select the "need a Certificate of Attendance" option, and fill in your full English name as logged in to Zoom.
Privacy Policy Statement:
(1) The personal data collected by the Jockey Club "Blended Learning" Project (hereinafter referred to as the "Project") from the applicants is used for processing the above activity registration and related matters. Without your consent, the above information will not be disclosed to third parties.
(2) The Project will take photos and videos during the activity for recording and promotional purposes. The copyright of the photos and videos belongs to the Project and related organizers and sponsoring organizations, including The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Baptist University, and The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. If you do not wish to be photographed or filmed, please inform the staff before the start of the activity so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
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