
Registration for RPg Info Session (For admission in AY25/26)

Questions marked with a * are required
Greetings from School of Business of Hong Kong Baptist University! Thank you for your interest in our full-time 4-year PhD programme.

We are organising two online information sessions for you to learn more about our research study life here and admission requirements, procedures and timeline etc. Content of both sessions are the same, but they are delivered in different languages.

Please take a few moments to register for either of the session. We will contact you via email provided to share session links with you in due course. Shall you have enquiry, you are welcome to contact us at bus_rpg@hkbu.edu.hk.

Thank you!
1. First Name
2. Last Name
3. Email Address
4. Name of undergraduate degree obtained and institution
(e.g. Bachelor of Arts in Management, Peking University)
5. Name of postgraduate degree obtained and institution
(e.g. Master of Science in Marketing, Johns Hopkins University; Input "Nil" if not applicable)
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