
A Night For Failure 2024 application form (Deadline: 29 Feb 2024, Thu)
1. Visit the website at https://eic.hkbu.edu.hk for details.
2. Write down the required information on the form.
3. Write down your idea name on the form.
4. Write down the brief description of your idea on the form.
5. Submit another form if you have 2 or more ideas.

Questions marked with a * are required
Family Name 姓氏
Given Name 名字 (MUST be same as your HKBU student ID)
Chinese Name 中文姓名
HKBU Student ID
Contact Email
Are you a student of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Thinking (BUSI2035)?
Full Programme Name (Please DO NOT fill in short form)
Major/Concentration (Please DO NOT fill in short form)
Year of Study
Idea Name
Idea Description
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