Online Enquiry/Comment Form
To submit services requests to the Estates Office (EO), University members may visit the EO website (
Request Forms
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Category 類別
Enquiry 查詢
Comment 意見
Other 其他
Title 稱謂
Prof. 教授
Dr. 博士
Mr. 先生
Miss 小姐
Ms. 女士
Mrs. 夫人
Name 姓名
Surname 姓
Other Name 名
Group 組別
HKBU Staff 香港浸會大學教職員
HKBU Student 香港浸會大學學生
Other 其他
Department/Unit 學系/單位
-- Select --
Academic Registry 教務處
Academy of Film 電影學院
Academy of Music 音樂學院
Academy of Visual Arts 視覺藝術院
Alumni Affairs Office 校友事務處
BNU - HKBU United International College HK Office 北京師範大學 - 香港浸會大學 聯合國際學院 香港辦事處
Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning 全人教育教與學中心
Centre for Innovative Service-Learning 創新服務學習中心
Chaplain's Office 校牧處
Chinese Medicine - Clinical Division 中醫藥學院臨床部
Chinese Medicine - Division of Continuing and Professional Education 中醫藥學院持續及專業教育部
Chinese Medicine - Teaching and Research Division 中醫藥學院教學科研部
Chinese Medicine - Technology Development Division 中醫藥學院技術開發部
Chinese Medicine Hospital 中醫醫院
CLAP-TECH Centre 鼓掌 – 創新教育歷程中心
College of International Education 國際學院
Communication and Public Relations Office 傳訊公關處
Department of Accountancy, Economics and Finance 會計、經濟及金融學系
Department of Biology 生物系
Department of Chemistry 化學系
Department of Chinese Language and Literature 中國語言文學系
Department of Communication Studies 傳播系
Department of Computer Science 計算機科學系
Department of Education Studies 教育學系
Department of English Language and Literature 英國語言文學系
Department of Geography 地理系
Department of Government and International Studies 政治及國際關係學系
Department of History 歷史系
Department of Humanities and Creative Writing 人文及創作系
Department of Interactive Media 互動媒體系
Department of Journalism 新聞系
Department of Management, Marketing and Information Systems 管理、市場及資訊系統學系
Department of Mathematics 數學系
Department of Physics 物理系
Department of Religion and Philosophy 宗教及哲學系
Department of Social Work 社會工作系
Department of Sociology 社會學系
Department of Sport, Physical Education and Health 體育、運動及健康學系
Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies 翻譯、傳譯及跨文化研究系
Estates Office 物業處
Finance Office 財務處
General Administration Office 行政處
General Education Office 通識敎育處
Graduate School 研究院
Human Resources Office 人力資源處
Institute for Innovation, Translation and Policy Research 創新、轉化及政策研究院
Institute of Transdisciplinary Studies 跨學科研究院
Internal Audit Office 內部審計處
International Office 國際事務處
Joint Sports Centre 聯校運動中心
Knowledge Transfer Office 知識轉移處
Language Centre 語文中心
Library 圖書館
Office of Dean of Continuing Education 持續教育學院院長辦公室
Office of Information Technology 資訊科技處
Office of Institutional Research and Planning 校務研究及策劃處
Office of Student Affairs 學生事務處
Office of the Dean of Arts and Social Sciences
Office of the Dean of Business 工商管理學院院長辦公室
Office of the Dean of Chinese Medicine 中醫藥學院院長辦公室
Office of the Dean of Communication 傳理院長辦公室
Office of the Dean of Creative Arts
Office of the Dean of Science 理學院院長辦公室
Office of the President and Vice-Chancellor 校長辦公室
Office of the Provost 常務副校長辦公室
Office of the Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary 行政副校長暨秘書長辦公室
Office of the Vice-President (Research and Development) 副校長(研究及拓展)辦公室
Office of the Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) 副校長(教與學)辦公室
Planning Office for the Chinese Medicine Hospital 中醫醫院籌備辦事處
Research Office 研發辦公室
Secretariat, School of Chinese Medicine 中醫藥學院秘書處
University Advancement Office 發展事務處
University Engagement Office 大學合作發展處
Other 其他
Telephone 電話
Email 電郵
Content 內容
not more than 1,000 English or Chinese characters 不超過1,000個英文字母或中文字
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