
小學教師學生訓育及輔導證書課程 (2024/25) - 附加表格(表格 A1)

Questions marked with a * are required
Primary Teacher In-service Training Programme
Commissioned by the Education Bureau

Certificate Course on Student Guidance and Discipline for Teachers of
Primary Schools (2024/25)

Application for Admission
Supplementary Form (Form A1)


Name of Applicant (English)
Name of Applicant (Chinese)
HKID No. (First 4 digits) (e.g. HKID No: A123456; To input: 1234)
Name of Serving School (in English)
E-service Portal User ID: (e.g. [email protected])
School Code (6 digits)
Type of School
School Address (in English)
School Tel No (8 digits)
School Fax No (8 digits)
Years of Experience as a Primary School Teacher (as at August 31, 2024)
Present Rank/Grade
Years of Experience as a Guidance/Discipline Teacher (as at August 31, 2024)
I will be a member of student guidance/discipline team in our school in 2024/25 school year.
I had attended the 1-year guidance/discipline course(s) which was/were organised by tertiary institutions and commissioned by the EDB or other relevant certificate/degree courses on guidance/discipline.
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