
Host Family Programme 2024-25 Student Application 親善家庭計劃2024-25 學生申請表

Questions marked with a * are required
Personal Information
Full Name in English (Same as student ID card) 英文全名(與學生證相同)
Full Name in Chinese (if any) 中文全名 (如有)
Gender 性別
Student No. 學生編號
Major 主修
Mobile No. 聯絡電話
Email Address 電郵地址
Account of Mobile Messaging APP (if any) 流動通訊程式帳號(如有)
Account 帳號
WhatsApp No. WhatsApp號碼
WeChat ID WeChat帳號
Please provide the following information, which could help the Counselling and Development Centre (CDC) to arrange the most suitable family and companion for you. The information you provided will be shared with the family.
Column 1
Country 國家
Province 省份
City 城市
Language you can speak (can choose more than one) 能操語言(可選多項)
Religion (if any) 宗教信仰 (如有)
Interests 個人興趣/愛好
Expectation On This Programme 對本計劃的期望
Something you want the family to know about you 你想讓家庭知道關於你的事
I have to actively participate in the “Host Family Programme”. 我需要積極參與和投入本屆「親善家庭計劃」。

2. The information I provided will be used for the Host Family Programme by CDC only. 我所填寫的資料只限用於「親善家庭計劃」之活動。

3. I have to attend the “Host Family Programme Kick-off Gathering”. If you are not in Hong Kong, special arrangement willbe made on the day. 我必須出席親善家庭計劃見面會。如果你當天不在香港, 我們將會另作安排。

Host Family Programme Kick-off Gathering 親善家庭計劃見面會
Date 日期: 14 / 9 / 2024
Time 時間: 10:30 – 12:00 / 15:00 - 16:30
Venue 地點: 逸夫校園郭鍾寶芬女士康體文娛中心2樓劉佐德伉儷多用途會堂(SCC201)

4. The host families do NOT provide accommodation for student participants. 本計劃並不會提供住宿。

5. CDC may publish the official photos taken in the events on the internet, official publications and any other media orpublicity channels. Participants who have any concern can contact CDC (email: cdc@hkbu.edu.hk; phone: 3411-7435). 輔導中心或會將官方所拍攝的照片在互聯網、官方刊物、任何媒體和宣傳渠道刊載。如對此有任何疑問,可與輔導中心聯絡(電郵:cdc@hkbu.edu.hk;電話:3411-7435)。
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